52 thoughts on “Amount of knowledge

    1. True and agree with you. Wisdom is very rare but isnโ€™t it that during a discussion of knowledge you at certain points gain wisdom? So these both are connected! So would you like to put an answer to this question in some other way knowing wisdom would be in knowledge?

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      1. Knowledge is essential, no doubt about that. But as far as my experience goes the most knowledgeable person need not be the wisest the lot. Compare the wisdom of say, Mahatma Gandhi (try overlooking his shortcomings for a while) and, say the best contemporary Indian bureaucrat employed by the British Govt. The bureaucrat might’ve possessed more knowledge, but Gandhi would be leagues ahead of that guy as far as wisdom goes. That’s my take on this.

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      2. Yeah I guess Gandhi suits to this situation. And well I absolutely agree with you on the fact that wisdom is more important than knowledge and thus itโ€™s a component of wisdom. On the contrary just like a person who would mug up things in head would be called knowledgable but would not be wise enough to apply it practically. Thank you for sharing your valuable thought.

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  1. I’ll answer it later. But knowledge is only one component of wisdom. And while a wise person can be very knowledgeable, the reverse isn’t necessarily true.

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      1. Ouch.
        I would. But that takes a lot of effort and most importantly getting used to. It’s a long process and over all, finding that matching persona is another struggle altogether mostly because it is not as easy to take the first step for an introvert.

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      2. Agreed. Just in case I was thinking if I cross by a person suddenly who fits me I would instantly share my thoughts on flow. Practically, itโ€™s is certainly a struggle to find a like minded easily. Being an introvert is itself a big struggle but there were times when I interacted with people who took the first step and made it easy for me go with the flow. Just like we are interacting right now. Thank you for opening and sharing your opinion:)


    1. Haha! Point! Well I would interact first and after that I would like to converse more knowing the amount of knowledge. This was a general question , like after an observation we canโ€™t figure out how comfortable is the person to talk with ,isnโ€™t it?

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      1. True that.. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also there are tyms when knowledgeable person remain silent because they aren’t comfortable to converse and other tyms when the person who keeps on talking because yu are comfortable with. ๐Ÿ˜…

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  2. Maybe when the ego part is plugged in to the conversation, it would be a bit difficult to start a conversation with a more knowledgeable person.. but on a long run, that would become much more comfortable

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    1. Ahh! Thatโ€™s true. It happens. There is also a time when the person would show ego even after not knowing certain things. They just canโ€™t accept the fact that though they are more knowledgeable there must be things they donโ€™t know. But I also agree that the ego can be compromised on the long run. Also itโ€™s beautiful to find a person with more knowledge and no ego.

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  3. Knowledge is in many forms, it may be spiritual, technical, political, national, global, fashion, books and the list goes on. So, first line of filter lies in knowledge of what and us it the topic of my interest? Then it can not be quantified easily as more or less. I may be knowing 100 things and probably you may be knowing just one thing that I do not know, so of course I will be interested in knowing that one thing even when I know 100 extra.. So ultimately it is all about what extra other person knows on my topic of interest. And yes, sharing goes both ways, so I will be equally happy to share what I know with others.

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    1. You got the point and a really satisfying reply:) sure knowledge differs person to person and there is no fixed amount. So basically you will love to interact without seeing the amount? Because you will know there may be things that person knows that you are unaware of. Thankyou for your views:)

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  4. You’re welcomed.. While selection one out of the two, of course I will love to intereact a person with more knowledge than me, because their constant search for more knowledge and the will to know more and gather will give me not only inspiration, but some values like how to keep calm and patient. Rather than sitting beside someone with equal knowledge, as it’ll not lead to any development..
    But, if the choice was between a knowledgeable person n a wise person, I’ll go for the wiser one. It’s so, because when our knowledge can’t give us our answers, wisdom works…
    Btw, I really liked your post (It’s quite interesting) and what I loved more was your discussion in the comment section.. Loved it..๐Ÿ‘


    1. So glad I received yet another interesting opinion. And you are absolutely correct about doing discussions with a more knowledgeable person because that leads to increase in wisdom. And specially the way a discussion becomes more interesting and we feel like never to end it. But don’t you think if we have discuss with a person who has equal knowledge there will be an atmosphere of excitment of searching about things both don’t know?

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      1. Ya, you’re right… But I think that we humans, look for a more better one then themselves, as an inspiration to achieve and learn more. Let me give an example. If I’ve a doubt in any subject and to clear that doubt, I’ll look for the teacher rather than any other student with equal knowledge. Even if the student assures that It’ll be fun to gather knowledge and search the answer together. But I know it’ll be some what a waste of time and silly if the teacher who knows about the subject more deeply and has more knowledge is right in front of me and we are trying to search the answer and are also not sure whether we’ll find it or not.


      2. Okay yes. This certainly changed something in me. I agree. Yes thats right. Anyways knowledge is knowledge I would love to interact with both haha! And this syllabus problem I was forced to go to a student because I lived with them.


      3. Okay… Me too, I too don’t judge people on their knowledge. If a person is knowledgeable but rude, I won’t wish to be with him.. Kindness and a clean heart too matters..

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      4. No, I wasn’t sure about it. Maybe my way of thinking is different from yours. Maybe you know more and better than me.. So, I wanted to confirm it and get suggestions if I was wrong somewhere..

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    1. Yes absolutely! Same knowledgeable person as me would be a competitor as well. And yes also more knowledgeable would be a teacher. But what if the person with same knowledge would be a person with a different knowledge?


  5. Either would be good. If the person had the same amount of knowledge as me but in different areas then I would have things to learn and there is always something to b learned from someone with more wisdom than me!

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